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Location: Well St. Art Company, 1304 Well Street, Fairbanks, AK
Phone: 907-452-6169

Dates: April 7 – May 2, 2023
First Friday Opening: April 7, 5-8 pm

“Ups and downs”, “highs and lows”, “peaks and valleys”, are all well-worn descriptions of what we experience as human beings in our path through life. They are also fitting shorthand phrases for the topography of our physical world. Most significant land travel that we do will, sooner or later, involve passing through valleys and over or around peaks. This same journey also serves as a metaphor for our lives.

With the drawings in this show I am trying to illustrate both of these journeys. Some are views of actual places, drawn on site. Others are imagined landscapes created in the studio, taken from my life experiences. In all of the works I have tried to create simple abstract compositions of landscapes that everyone can relate to in some form. These are all places where we have been, shapes and colors that are part of the many peaks and valleys of our world.

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