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Same River is Always a Different River

Same River is Always a Different River

Location: Georgia Blue Gallery, 3555 Arctic Boulevard, Anchorage, AK
Phone: 907-563-2787

Dates: July 5 – July 30, 2024
First Friday Opening: July 5, 5-7 pm

As we travel in this world we often return to a “favorite” place, a special spot that brings back memories. But, of course, that place is never the same as it was during pat visits. We never visit the “same” river more than once. It may be known to us by the same name, but the water is constantly moving downstream, always different from a moment ago…

Peaks and Valleys

Peaks and Valleys

Location: Well St. Art Company, 1304 Well Street, Fairbanks, AK  Phone: 907-452-6169
Dates: April 7 – May 2, 2023
First Friday Opening: April 7, 5-8 pm

“Ups and downs”, “highs and lows”, “peaks and valleys”, are all well-worn descriptions of what we experience as human beings in our path through life. They are also fitting shorthand phrases for the topography of our physical world. Most significant land travel that we do will, sooner or later, involve passing through valleys and over or around peaks. This same journey also serves as a metaphor for our lives.

Stops Along the Way

Stops Along the Way

Drawings Inspired by Wild Alaska

Location: Well St. Art Company, 1304 Well Street, Fairbanks, AK  Phone: 907-452-6169

Dates: February 7-29, 2020

First Friday Opening: February 7, 5-8 pm

WILD: Places, Seasons, & Weather

WILD: Places, Seasons, & Weather

Exhibit Location: Conoco Phillips Art Gallery, Grant Hall, Alaska Pacific University campus, Anchorage. Dates: February 1 to 24, 2019. First Friday Opening Reception: February 1st, 2019 from 5-7

Rivers and Mountains Exhibit

Rivers and Mountains Exhibit

Don’t miss John’s October 2017 exhibit “Rivers and Mountains” at Well Street Art Company opening Friday, October 6.  The joint show will also feature vignettes by Lisa Shon Jodwalis. First Friday reception is from 5 to 8 pm. For more...